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Hello and welcome! I am Anabil, a research scientist in the EdTech space.

I was born and raised in Kolkata, India. I currently live in Brooklyn, New York.

My areas of research specialization/interest include – AI in education (AIED), personalized learning, efficacy research, educational data mining, modeling learner cognition and engagement.

I completed my PhD in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University.
My dissertation research was focused in the AIED space. I used AI principles and data analytics to understand and model students’ learning behaviors in a digital open-ended learning environment, and developed an adaptive scaffolding framework to support self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies. This framework tracked changes in students’ cognition/metacognition and emotions as they learned, and provided them with real-time personalized guidance to support a more engaging and effective learning experience.

If you are interested you can read more about my research from the Google Scholar link below.
Apart from work, I love music. Growing up in Kolkata, I got the opportunity to learn Hindustani classical music at a young age. I still love singing in my free time, and am also always happy to check out new song recommendations from any genre.

I also enjoy exploring new places, trying out new foods, and learning more about different cultures, history and languages.
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